Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Nigeria International Youth e-Forum (NIYF) 2009
Are you young?
Are you a concerned Nigeria youth?
Does your vote count during elections?
Does government policies and programs affect you or your family?
Do you like to make your voice heard on the state of the nation?
Here is a chance to make your voice heard on issues that affect youths.

The Nigeria International Youth E-forum 2009 is here again to make your voices heard on issues that affects youth development and national development from March 16th, 2009!

Discussion topics include:
Ø Performance of the 7-point agenda and governance in Nigeria
Ø Global financial crisis and its impact on the youth sector and development in Nigeria
Ø Performance and impact of the newly created federal ministry of youths in 2008
Ø Mainstreaming youth development in state and national budgets and programs
Ø Youth and the Niger Delta challenge
Ø Youth priorities for the 2009 fiscal year
Ø Re-branding Nigeria initiative and the roles of youth
Ø Democracy and good governance in Nigeria etc

If we can’t move the bulldozer, we can atleast talk about it, its driver and the impact of its work! Nigeria is our country, not only can we talk about it, we can make meaningful contribution to moving it forward if the youths of Nigeria decide! The Nigeria International Youth E-forum is our platform for change. We own it, it is ours, get involved today and make your voice heard!

Young Nigerians below the ages of 35

Commencement date:
March 16th 2009, to join the forum and to post your comment or any relevant information, visit www.youngstarsfound,
emails info@youngstarsfoun or ystar27@yahoo. com
Contact lines are 08065479817, 08063550201, 07035535876

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